Monday, April 23, 2007

Bit of this, a bit of that

Wow, it's been awhile since I blogged. I had a ton of things happen last week that I could've blathered on about, but ultimately opted not to for simple reason that I couldn't muster the energy to think. After 20 months of constant school and stress, I chose to go let my brain go catatonic...well rest anyway. I am of the mindset that literally anything is possible these days. Case in point, some neighbor boys were letting their bulldog do his business in my yard. As I open my car door, the dog jumps in and proceeds to step on a large container of salsa (for a potluck later that night)...causing it to burst open and stain my car. As you can imagine, I was not a happy camper. Can we say random? When does this kind of stuff happen to people? I'm still cleaning it up as it is in every nook and cranny of the driver and passenger sides, but will spare you all the long, drawn out version of this bizarre story.

Instead I will turn to more fascinating news. I am done with student teaching! What a long, strange journey it has been. My class made me a memory book and we had a big cake at the end of the day as a going-away celebration. They all gave me sweet hugs on the way at the door and told me they didn't want me to go. It did my heart good. I know I should be more excited about this week's graduation festivities, but I am struggling to focus on all that. Too many other things going on I guess. Who'd a thought I would ever get to say that school is a backburner concern...:) There's lots of family and friends coming, so that will be fun. My best friend is flying up all the way from Houston, so I am most happy about that. We haven't seen each other in two years. I'm sure I will be more jazzed when the big moment actually arrives. I think I'm just to mentally drained to do a "woo hoo!" right now. At lease I got back my Action Research paper and scored 24/25 on it, so that was awesome, better than I thought I was gonna do. And I did start reading a book (for pleasure!) over the weekend. It's called Geisha, A Life. It's true story and I am totally into it. That's what I missed about reading books of my own choice...just getting lost in the story and escaping real life for a little while.

Spent part of today doing some household cleaning and have lots more to do. Since we didn't do a very good job of keeping track of our spending, we overdrew our account, thus taking away some of our fun money for this week. So that also kinda took the wind outta my sails. We are penny pinching as usual, so I've been on craigslist everyday in search of part-time gigs to earn extra cash. I just interviewed yesterday and got a job as a Sunday school teaching assistant. It's about three hours each Sunday for about $40, so it's a good start. I'm in the process of setting up an opportunity to create some brochure materials for company. We'll see how that pans out. We are trying to cut down on the childcare costs as much as we can.

One really fun thing I've been trying to do with the kids lately is spend some real quality time with them and get some new cute pictures of them taken. My hope is that at some point when we are back on our feet I can send some off to Costco and get enlargements made to hang on the wall. In the meantime, I've been sifting through some of my older piles that have been collecting dust and aim to put them into frames. We are really hopeful for me to get this job I interviewed for last week and so we've been toying with the thought of selling the townhouse earlier than over the summer before Nicky goes back to school. No big hurry, but it's fun to plan. Gives me motivation to get the house into shipshape order. Okay, enough rambling for one night. Hereos returns tonight! Another big bonus...watching tv again instead of getting on the laptop to do homework. That deserves a "woo hoo!"

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

Watching TV gets a woo-hoo, but I don't?? I'm feeling hurt;) LOL!! I'm glad you are finally getting some downtime and WAY TO GO on your Action Research!