Tuesday, May 22, 2007


What a week! I've been without Hubby for two nights in a row (he's on a business trip) and so finale week has been keeping me company at night. Last night I watched Heroes and The Bachelor. Tonight I caught American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. Tomorrow is the official finale of Idol, but still...I was very impressed. My girl Jordin is gonna win, I can feel it. I like Blake a lot, but she just has such a pure voice. She nailed that last song and when she got choked up in the last notes, you could tell she was caught up in the moment. That clinched her win right there if you ask me.

Yes, I am a TV junkie this week. My Hubby is outta town and I can only take cartoons for so long. I had both kids taken late afternoon naps, but when we all got up I decided we needed to get out of the house for awhile. I took the kids to the Dollar Tree to get a few things and then we headed over to a nearby park. I let the kids play for almost an hour. It was after 7pm by the time we got home. We had tamales and tortilla chips for dinner...mmmm. N gobbled up his portion and finished off part of mine. That kid is going through another growth spurt I think. He had run around so much at the park that I didn't sweat the seconds he had.

On another note, my sister-in-law gave birth today to a son. This baby was a long time coming and puts a lot of things in perspective. It really made me miss my kids' baby days and realize how fast they are changing and growing. That was what really spurred me to get them outside to have some fun. While the kids played, I also watched a baseball team have practice on a nearby field. They couldn't have been much older than my son. I got to feeling bad that we didn't get him signed up for teeball this season, but hopefully we can afford to get him involved in anything he wants to do next year. Got N and K signed up for summer swim lessons though, so that will be a great start and keep them busy. They are both so bold and curious these days. K is getting more independent by the day. My purpose at the park was to push the tire swing or serve as a coat rack. Aaah...the joys of parenthood...:) My babies are growing up faster than my heart can handle...:( I can't imagine what parents must go through when each one leaves the nest for good. I spoke with a female friend of mine whose son is graduating from high school and she was struggling with it. This is her last child to leave home, so it is extra tough. Talk about your real life finale. I wanna hold onto these days as long as I can.

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