Monday, May 21, 2007

Open! Open! Open!

For the first time since we met, Hubby is getting to go on a vacation ALONE. Granted, he is on a business trip to attend a series of seminars, but to him it feels like a break just because he is getting away. Sun Valley, Idaho isn't too bad a place to hang out for a few days. It's a beautiful resort town. His work is covering all the expenses, so the whole thing is free! After getting N off to school this morning, K and I drove Hubby all to one of the transit stations so he could hop on MAX to the airport. It was a strange feeling to be the one saying goodbye, but not going anywhere. I had my chance to travel alone two years fact I got to go twice in two months time. So he has been feeling pretty envious ever since then. Anyhow, I was sad to see him go, but very happy for him at the same time. We all need a break every blue moon or so.

After we dropped him off, K and I ran a bazillion errands. She wanted to go Petco to see the animals, but they were closed. Then I thought we'd check out a local scrapbooking store that I'd been wanting to see, but found it went out of business. On a side note, that is the second scrapbooking store in a month that I've noticed is gone. What's up with that?! I digress...we drove over to Toys 'R Us so she could ooh and aah at all the toys, but they were also closed. I had hoped that K and I could have some fun shopping together, but the stores weren't cooperating. We had gotten outta the house so early this morning, that it never occurred to me that the rest of the city was still half asleep.

We finally ended up at Target to get a baby shower gift for my cousin. K picked out a cute little toy from the registry...Take Along Lily, which is a girlie frog from Leap Frog. We also found an adorable rubber duck dressed like a princess that you use to check the bath water temperature. VERY CUTE. Then we headed over to Fred Meyers to get some birthday presents for a friend's kids, but ultimately decided to hold off for the moment. K was getting very tired and so I opted to head towards home to get our grocery shopping done. We hit Winco and then called it a day. I got the kids and I each a doughnut as a special treat. After getting home, I finally put K down for a nap. Just waiting for my son to get home from school (he has early release) and then we will all catch some extra Zzzzzz's. It will feel wierd being a single mom for the week, but kinda fun to have the TV to myself too. If I can stay awake that is.

On a positive note, I just got off the phone and have a job interview set up for next week. Crossing my fingers that the third times a charm...:)

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

I knew K had good taste - she picked out a frog. I am SO proud:)

It is weird being without the husband for several days isn't it? On the other hand, you get the whole bed to yourself and you can take a nice hot bath once the kids are in bed with no one to bother you.

Gotta look at the positives.:)