Sunday, January 07, 2007

Dreams can come true...

Okay, I am sensing a strange pattern beginning to form. We all wish for our dreams to come true...but not the bad ones. Last night I had another worrisome dream. This time it was my son I couldn't find. We were with family and a bunch of other random people from my past (dreams always do that for some reason). We went swimming and so my son went with his grandpa to get ready. Well, when I come out of the locker room area, I notice Nicky isn't around. This whole thing is a bit hazy, so bear with me.

Then when my dad agrees to bring him to the door of the locker room, I tell them I'll meet them both there. Then when I get there, nobody is around. I go back out to the swimming area and my dad is happily swimming with the others in our group. I question him as to where my son is and he says he left him by the locker room door. I tell him that he wasn't there. So begins my frantic and frenzied search. All those memories of my son's first diappearance come bubbling to the surface. I am referencing the day when my son's bus driver dropped him off and his babysitter arrived too late to pick him up. So my son went wandering around until our neighbor realized he had no one to watch him and took him in for a couple of hours. Can we say scary day?

Anyway, I had become almost incosolable until my son turned up in another area of the pool. He had been happily occupied by playing with a cousin or someone. The dream was a bit disjointed, but I just remember that I had that awful feeling you get when you don't know where your child is. Two dreams in a row about a similar theme. No expert in the field of dream analysis is needed to tell me that it isn't just a coincidence. I just wish I knew what to make of them both. If nothing else, it makes me want to cherish my time with my kids more and be very mindful of where they are at all times. People thought I was overreacting in my dream, but I don't care...we're talking about my children's well-being here.

I put a lot of stock into dreams. I've had many premonitions over my lifetime that have come true in some form or another. I don't proclaim to be clairvoyant or anything, but some of my dreams have become a reality. Most of the time, whenever I have a dream of any usually involves myself or someone close to me going through something major. Then if it comes true, it an event that happens to someone else. So anyone I know that is reading this blog, keep your loved ones close and be aware of those in your life that have children. I don't want to be a drag to anyone, but I also don't want to ignore the message of these dreams.

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