Wednesday, January 10, 2007

"Prophet"-ic Words

After viewing a recent episode of Numbers that focused on a criminal cult leader, I posted a blog about Rajneeshpuram entitled, "Non-Prophet." This particular cult, or commune if you prefer, was located an only an hour or so from where I grew up. Well, someone left a lengthy comment for me in regards to my misperceptions of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (now known as Osho I believe and also the name of the blogger who left the comments). This person also stated that I should have taken the time to understand this religious sect and not be misled by mean-spirited propaganda. Since I cannot locate the blog of this person, I shall leave my response to their comments here in hopes that they see it.

First and foremost, I couldn't visit this cult back in the early 80's because I was in elementary school. I can't imagine my parents driving us out there to see such a thing. My parents raised us to think for ourselves and pursue faith on our own terms, whatever that would come to mean. I have studied many cults over the years as a college student (religious studies courses) as on my own as simply a topic of interest. I draw my own conclusions, not what the mass media feeds to me. I try to read factual information from a variety of sources to get a balanced perspective. While you make some valid points in your comments, I just do not see the point of giving oneself over completely to a mortal being. I believe in a higher power that can be seen, but only felt from within by having faith that something greater is out there and watching over us.

If someone wants to give up their material wealth for the benefit of someone who claims to be a messiah of some sort, that is their prerogative. It's just not my style. If someone knocks on my door to try and convert me to their faith, I politely decline. I will listen with an open mind and heart, but I will still choose to believe what feels right to me. I am sure the same holds true for the members of the Rajneesh sect. I know that there are still members from all over the globe that find this particular faith to be very profound. That is their right and their choice. I blog about whatever is my mind on any given day. That is my right and my choice. There are so many wonderful religions out there and that is the beauty of it. May the freedom to choose always be with us. Best wishes to you Osho, and thank you for your comments.

1 comment:

Osho said...

Thanks for reviewing my comments and expressing your thoughts. You are definitely a nice,honest ,open and un-prejudiced person. Some facts I would like to share:
1.Do not call Osho a sect. It is not a respectable adjective. Call it “revolution” or at the minimum “a real religion”. If you want to call it sect, then make sure to call Christianity,Bushism,Hinduisms all as sects. They all were gathering of a few dozens of people at some time. Where will you draw lines between sect and religion?
2. I am not convincing you for any faith or for Osho. Only thing I wanted to share with you that the impression you are carrying for Osho is a borrowed and shallow impression. It is not from first hand experience. You have never tasted Osho yet.
For Osho, word faith, belief and blindness are synonyms. Only blinds believe in light. A person with eyes sees light, does not need to believe in light. Osho treated the eyes of people to see light. He never wanted anybody to believe in light. Osho is against beliefs, faiths because it stops people from seeing the real by giving a false substitute.

Osho is an invitation to see beyond known. Osho is not somebody else but you as your “real being”. Osho is not a religion but a pure religiousness. Osho is the merger of Science and religion. Osho is the merger of East and West. Osho is the merger of Mind and Heart. Osho is the golden future of the world where there is no country, no religions, no castes, no divisions but a pure Oneness, a silent music and an instrument-less eternal music and celebration.

I always trust myself and always see the things with my own eyes and recently read directly what Osho spoke at below:-

Osho e-books at

Thanks and best regards