Wednesday, December 20, 2006


What a whirlwind week thus far! I have been playing catch-up with all of the Christmas shopping and holiday preparations. I feel like I haven't had a chance to stop and breathe. Due to how our paydays and bills lined up, had to wait until this week to get it all done. I think I am finally done with the shopping part of it at least. I stayed up til about 1:30am last night to wrap gifts. Even though it's a lot of work, I love this part.

Next I have to tackle my next big project, baking cookies for family. I wish I could pretend to be doing this from scratch, but Betty Crocker I am not (at least not yet). Nope, I am taking the easy way out by using Nestle Tollhouse chocolate cookie dough cookie dough. Next year I hope to do better by making some actual holiday cookie recipes.

This is a big step for me this year in my pursuit to become a domestic goddess, even if it is simply scooping the dough onto the cookie sheet and turning on the oven. I am a long way from my goal, but I working it a little bit more each year. I'm not a stay-at-home mom, so time is definitely a factor. One recipe at a time.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

At least you're making the effort to scoop the cookie dough onto the sheet. I'm too lazy even for that...I buy the break and bake cookies. I know, I know...I feel such shame!