Friday, December 29, 2006

SpongeBob SquarePants

What is up with Legos? Yesterday, my son begged me all day to help him build his SpongeBob SquarePants Lego set. Finally, I caved in after dinner. He wanted to put together his house that's in the shape of a pineapple. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong. We spent at least an hour just trying to build the bottom half of it. If I did it all myself it might've moved along faster, but that wasn't the point of it. We wanted to do it together and so it occasionally took us both some time to figure out where the tiny pieces went. Well, after sitting hunched over for an hour, my shoulders were killing me so we had to stop. We will pick up tonight where we left off last night.

I'm not sure what my son's sudden fascination with SpongeBob is, but it's funny. We don't get Cartoon Network at our house, so he only sees it when he's at Grandma's house. I do know that he gets to play some SpongeBob XBox game at our babysitter's house. In his note to Santa, he asked ol' St. Nick to bring him a SpongeBob DVD. Now, if I had would've mentioned this to me at some point prior to Christmas Eve, I could've taken care of this wish. Unfortunately, he save his secret wish for Santa himself.

Well, on Christmas morning he was a little disappointed that he never got his DVD. I gently reminded him that sometimes Santa doesn't bring us exactly what we wish for, but he gives us plenty of other things he knows we'll love. From various family members, he did get a mini SpongeBob pinball machine, two sets of SpongeBob legos, and from "Santa" he got a SpongeBob playdough set. He seemed to understand and didn't say anything else about it. I told him that maybe Santa will whisper his wish into the Easter Bunny's ear. Nicky is not hurting for SpongeBob anything.

I know some people don't think young kids should watch SpongeBob, but I don't really see why. From the cartoons I have seen, it's no worse than anything with Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, Tom and Jerry, or any other classic. I am very mindful of what my kids watch, so if SpongeBob is the worse thing they are exposed to, then I think they're doing just fine.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

That song is running through my head now. My nephew was a huge fan of SpongeBob, I've seen it several times and it's a good show for kids. I think it's funny.