Friday, December 01, 2006


Okay, I am in dire need of getting a notebook started for each of my kids. My childcare provider made a great suggestion to me once about keeping track of the witty things her kids have said over the years. She has pages upon pages of cute little blurps from them. She says they're fun to read over. I've been mentally taking notes whenever mine do this, but I gotta get something for each of them so that I don't lose these adorable little remarks that they've made. Nicky does it the most lately, probably due to the fact that he's older and in kindergarten. My daughter is still expanding her vocabulary, but can definitely hold her little drama queen.

Tonight I was changing a whopper of a stinky diaper (I know...TMI) and reminded her for the gazillionth time that she needed to go poopy in the toilet, not her diaper. Oblivious, she responds by putting her pink and white stuffed elephant in my face and says with her cheshire cat grin, "My elephant's looking at you." I try a little harder to make my point about potty training by reminding her that in order to go to school like a big girl she would have to go in the toilet. I ask her if she wants to go to school and coyly replies, "No, not yet." I swear this kid knows what she needs to do, but just doesn't feel like doing it yet...:)

My kids definitely are learning what their strengths are though. My daughter is the coy, clever one and my son is the affectionate, intellectual one. What's great though is that I love watching them literally processing new information before my eyes. Kevin, my hubby, and I can always tell when Nicky learns a new concept in school, because he begins to apply it to his environment. For instance, this morning Nicky commented about our weekly childcare rotation. He said, "Mommy...first I go to grandma's, then to Mrs. Williams, and then with you, then with grandma again (and so on). That's a pattern!" I love it.

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