Tuesday, December 12, 2006

March of the Penguins

I have to admit that I thought that the documentary, March of the Penguins, was truly amazing. I say that because I came into it about halfway in on the Hallmark Channel and was gonna change the station, but something about Morgan Freeman's narration drew me in. His rich, deep voice was warm and comforting, like a nice quilt to wrap up in while you watch this film about a family of penguins in the coldest place on earth. I find it ironic that we make the North Pole sound so cozy and quaint due to Santa Claus, but we think of the South Pole as this barren, icy continent. Both are just plain freezing...but I digress.

Besides having a college roommate that collected them, I never paid penguins much mind before. However, with the double whammy of this film and the animated hit, Happy Feet, I am a lot more interested in them these days. The documentary follows the Emperor Penguins' journey as they brave the bitter cold, protect their young, and make numerous treks to and from the sea. We are mesmerized by the heartache and delight the penguins feel when they must separate from their young and then reunited once more. It is such a sweet film. Now I want to go and rent it so I can see the whole thing. I can finally see what all the fuss was about.

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