Sunday, December 03, 2006

O' Christmas Tree

Well, Kevin is down for the count again. He hurt his back a bit while helping some friends move yesterday and has been suffering from a bad migraine all day today. He was in no shape to go get a Christmas tree and suggested we wait til next week. I was afraid it would be raining and wanted to take advantage of the nice weather. So I said I would take our son and go get a tree.

Kevin had very little faith that I could do this and didn't want us to go. I reminded him that if his 60+ year old mother could cut down her own tree, I could handle it. When I was kid used to go out and chop wood with my family every winter. So I prepared the back of our car with an old army blanket, laid the backseat down, and grabbed the necessary supplies. Nicky came along to keep me company.

It wasn't an easy task, but we managed to find a great tree. It's one of those things where you just know it when you see it. I was mindful of picking one that wasn't too far of a walk back to the car. Luckily, we found just the perfect one. What I didn't anticipate was how sore and tired my arms would get while I was sawing the tree trunk. It cute how Nicky circled the trees and chattered away about how tired he was while I was hacking away at the bottom of the tree.

Not to toot my own horn, but I was proud of myself for doing this. I know it's just chopping down a Christmas tree, but both Kevin and his mom had their doubts as to whether I could handle it. I'll admit I wasn't sure how it would go, but it went off without a hitch. Next I need to tackle tire chains. Gotta get better at putting them on before we drive over the snowy pass in a couple weeks. I am woman, hear me roar!

Anyhow, I am very happy that we have our tree now. We need to rearrange the furniture a bit and then we can set it up. I love to decorate the tree, especially with the kids. They love to help with hanging the ornaments on the tree. Kevin isn't big on this part, but does try to help with the lights. Once we get this all done, it will really feel like the Christmas season is underway. Tis the season!

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

You go!! I am so proud of you for cutting your own tree, that is something I've always wanted to do. Maybe next year for us, we're going with the fake tree this year.

Anyway, that's awesome, get some pics:)