Saturday, December 02, 2006

Crowning the canines

Okay, I know that I am officially growing as a person. Lately, I love watching shows on the non-mainstream stuff these days. We don't get too many channels since we only have the most basic cable. Besides the major networks, some shopping channels, C-Span type stuff, and a couple international stations, the most exotic channels we get are Discovery and E!...:) Don't get me wrong, I still get a kick out of the intellectually-stimulating shows like Girls Next Door and the suspenseful crime dramas like CSI. It's just that now I'm getting into the offbeat and educational shows.

While hanging out with some family friends tonight, I drank way too much caffeine and ate too much spicy food. After we got home, I found myself too wired to go to sleep. So I got a major craving and got the bright idea to drink some egg nog (just to make sure I pushed my stomach over the edge). Feeling way guilty, I decided to imitate Denise Austin's workout and do a 15 minute indoor walk as I watched the American Kennel Club National Championship on Discovery. The dogs were trotting around on the Telly, so I figured why not get off my duff and join in. I find myself actually wanting to tune in tomorrow to catch the herding dog category and see the Border Collies (we have named Keely). Also, they are gonna announce the Best in Show.

That's the funny things about dog shows. I've always wondered what dogs really get out of these things. They are fun to watch, but what's really interesting is how intense they are for the owners/handlers. Adding another ribbon to their collection is the reason these people spend thousands of dollars in caring and preparing for these animals. Bragging rights seems to be the biggest incentive. I always found it odd when someone introduces their pet with the requisite P.S., "he/she is a purebred and has her papers to prove it." Does it really matter to the average layperson?

I love my dog dearly and she is purebred without papers, but I feel no need to advertise this. Are mixed breeds somehow less? I find some of the mixed breeds to be the most beautiful dogs out there. I am not trying to knock people who like to show their dogs. I liken the process to the beauty pageant business. It's a big deal to those involved in that world. I just found it ironic how similar the AKC show was to the Miss USA or Miss Americanpageants. The participants are judged on their poise, bodyline, beauty, and such.

What's great though is that I learned about all the different dog categories out there. There a zillion breeds out there, but you can break 'em down into Toy, Working, Herding, Sporting, Non-Sporting, Terrier, and there were two others that I forget. I'll say this, it's got me thinking about the next dog I want to get someday. There were a handful that appealed to me. It all depends on how family friendly they are. The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular and pretty, but I also found a soft spot for the Pug. The kind of face only a mother could love, but oh so cute! I also liked a few others. Okay, enough of this midnight rambling. I got way off topic as usual. I'll blame it on the caffeine.

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